Our collection of expert insights

Weak AI

Weak AI is like having a very skilled helper who is great at specific tasks but doesn’t understand anything beyond those tasks. Imagine you have a smart robot that can help you with cooking. It can follow recipes perfectly, chop vegetables, and even set timers. However, if you ask it to help with something outside

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Watson is like having a super-smart assistant who can understand and analyze a huge amount of information really quickly, just like a human expert might do, but at a much faster pace. Imagine you have a giant library filled with books on every subject you can think of. If you need to find specific information,

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Large Language Model

Large Language Model is like having a super-smart friend who has read an enormous number of books, articles, and websites. This friend knows a lot about many different topics and can have conversations on almost anything you ask. Imagine you’re trying to write a story or find information about a topic. You might consult an

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LSTM is like having a super-smart notebook that not only remembers what you wrote but also can recall important details from the past to help with your current notes. Imagine you’re writing a story, and you need to keep track of details that are important for the plot. Sometimes, you need to remember what happened

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AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) is like imagining a super-smart robot that can do anything a human can do, and even more. Think about a person who can learn new skills, solve different types of problems, and adapt to various situations. For example, a person can learn to cook a new recipe, fix a car, or

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Abductive Logic Programming is like being a detective trying to solve a mystery. Imagine you find a series of clues at a crime scene, and you need to piece them together to figure out what happened. You use these clues to come up with the best explanation for the situation. In Abductive Logic Programming, instead

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AI is like having a really smart assistant who can help you with all sorts of tasks, from answering questions to making recommendations, much like how a helpful friend might guide you through different activities. Imagine you have a friend who’s really good at remembering facts and can quickly find answers to questions you have.

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Outpainting is like having a picture that’s only partially done, and you want to imagine what the rest of the picture might look like. Imagine you’ve painted a beautiful scene of a forest, but the edges of the canvas are blank. Outpainting is like using your creativity to fill in those blank areas and complete

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ADT, or Abstract Data Type, is like a recipe that tells you what ingredients you need and how to prepare a dish without giving you all the details about each ingredient’s origin or how to grow them. Think about how you follow a recipe to make a cake. The recipe gives you a list of

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Action Model Learning

Action Model Learning is like teaching a robot how to play a game by letting it practice and learn from its moves. Imagine you’re playing a new board game. At first, you don’t know all the rules or strategies, but as you play, you start to understand what works and what doesn’t. You learn from

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Action Language

Action Language is like giving clear instructions to a friend about how to complete a task. Imagine you need to bake a cake, and you write down a detailed recipe for your friend, telling them exactly what steps to follow, from mixing the ingredients to baking the cake and decorating it. Action Language works in

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Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality is like adding a fun layer to the real world. Imagine you’re wearing special glasses that let you see digital images or information overlaid on everything around you. It’s like when you use a video game console that lets you interact with characters and objects as if they’re part of your living room,

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