
Our collection of expert insights

Semi-Supervised Learning

Semi-Supervised Learning is like having a big stack of flashcards with some cards labeled and others blank. You want to learn from these flashcards to understand different categories or topics. Imagine you’re studying for a test, and you have a mix of flashcards. Some cards already have answers on them, while others are blank. You

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Deep Learning

Imagine you have a very smart friend who loves to solve puzzles. Every time they solve a puzzle, they get better and faster at it. Deep learning is like teaching a computer to be that smart friend. Here’s how it works: Learning from Examples: Just like you might learn to recognize animals by looking at

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Natural Language Processing • NLP

Natural Language Processing, or NLP, is like teaching a computer to understand and talk to people in our everyday language, just like you would with a friend. Think about when you use your smartphone to ask for directions or when you talk to a virtual assistant like Siri or Alexa. These devices understand what you’re

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Neural Networks

Neural Networks are like a group of very smart friends who work together to solve a problem. Each friend is good at understanding a small part of the problem, and when they combine their knowledge, they can figure out really complex things. Think of it this way: Imagine you’re trying to solve a big jigsaw

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Theory of Mind

Theory of Mind is the ability to understand that other people have their own thoughts, feelings, and perspectives that might be different from your own. It’s like realizing that just because you like chocolate ice cream doesn’t mean everyone else does too. Think of it this way: Imagine you’re playing a game with a friend.

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Data Science

Data Science is like being a detective for numbers and information. Imagine you have a big box full of puzzle pieces, but instead of making a picture, these pieces are bits of information from different sources, like websites, surveys, or sensors. A data scientist is like a detective who digs through all these pieces to

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An algorithm is like a recipe for a computer. Just like a recipe tells you step-by-step how to make a cake, an algorithm tells a computer step-by-step how to solve a problem or complete a task. For example, think about making a sandwich. The steps might be: Take out two slices of bread. Spread peanut

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Artificial Intelligence • AI

Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is like giving a computer a brain so it can think and learn like a human. Imagine you have a toy robot. Normally, you have to control everything it does with a remote. But with AI, it’s like giving the robot the ability to understand its surroundings and make decisions on

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Artificial General Intelligence • AGI

Artificial General Intelligence, or AGI, is like creating a computer that can think and learn just like a human, not just in specific tasks but in a wide range of activities. Imagine you have a really smart robot that can do anything a person can do. It can learn to play chess, write stories, solve

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Large Language Model • LLM

A Large Language Model, or LLM, is like a super-smart computer program that can understand and generate human language. Think of it as a very clever robot that can read, write, and even have conversations with you. Imagine you have a giant library with millions of books. An LLM has read all those books and

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Machine Learning • ML

Machine Learning, or ML, is like teaching a computer how to learn from experience, just like how you learn new things over time. Think about how you learned to ride a bike. At first, you might have fallen a few times, but with practice, you got better because you learned from your mistakes. Machine Learning

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Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT)

A Generative Pre-trained Transformer, or GPT, is like a very smart robot that can read and write like a human. It’s been trained by reading a huge amount of text from books, websites, and other sources, so it knows a lot about language and how to use it. Imagine you have a robot that has

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